UT Dallas CS/SE Program Ranked Ninth Best Bachelor’s in Software Engineering Degrees by Best Computer Science Schools

Software engineering is a branch of computer science that deals with the design and maintenance of complex computer systems. It requires an advanced skill set in mathematics and computing technology, and the ability to solve problems while working in teams. Software engineers are an integral component of many industries, including medicine, manufacturing, science, and aerospace. In short, software engineers give computers the ability to undertake complex tasks more efficiently. Recently, the website Best Computer Science Schools ranked the 25 Best Colleges to earn a Bachelor’s in Software Engineering Degrees placing UT Dallas Computer Science Department as the ninth-best college.
The CS Department at UT Dallas has done well in research-based rankings such as csrankings.org, where it ranks 7th in the area of natural language processing, 5th in the field of software engineering, 11th in artificial intelligence, and 6th in real-time systems (2009-2019 period). The department has also done well in placement rankings, placing twenty-first in the 2015 LinkedIn ranking that measured the placement of software developers in top companies. Great Value Colleges ranked the top 40 best colleges in the U.S. for Artificial Intelligence, placing UT Dallas Computer Science Department as the fifth-best college for undergraduate studies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The website Computer Science Degree Hub Rankings placed the UT Dallas CS department’s Computer Science Bachelors and Masters Programs in the top 50 universities that offer CS Degree Programs.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that jobs in software engineering are expected to grow 32 percent in the next decade, which is much faster than average for all occupations. This is largely in part because expanding internet technologies have driven the need for new engineers who can develop, assess, and modify software and Internet applications.
Software engineers enjoy a wide range of employment options, from system and applications software design to data management and analytics. The average starting pay varies, depending on the industry, but most software engineers enjoy a very high starting salary. The national average across industries is $72,028. Engineers who work in safety-critical applications, such as aviation or national defense, may earn even more.
Software engineers work in a wide variety of careers, from computer systems analysts to video game designers. They deal with programs, including operating systems, computer games, business applications, and network control systems. They might work as software developers for embedded, web, or mobile systems, or become project managers or sales engineers.
Below is Best Computer Science Schools description and overview of the department and the software engineering program:
University Overview
The University of Texas at Dallas is strategically located in the Telecom Corridor, home to one of the top five high-tech economies in the country. The university has responded to this demand by developing a robust interdisciplinary approach to research. The software engineering program at the University of Texas at Dallas is part of the university’s prestigious Computer Science department, which includes an exceptional, internationally-renowned faculty, and a 150,000 square foot building with cutting-edge laboratories.
The university operates one of the most extensive internship and cooperative education programs in the country, with over a thousand undergraduate and graduate students placed in high-tech companies near Dallas each year. These companies include Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Texas Instruments, Intel, IBM, and Raytheon, among dozens of others. The school also features a money-saving fast-track program that allows students to complete a master’s degree with fifteen fewer required credit hours than through a comparable pathway.
The UT Dallas Computer Science program is one of the largest Computer Science departments in the United States with over 3,315 bachelors-degree students, more than 1,110 master’s students, 165 Ph.D. students, 52 tenure-track faculty members, and 44 full-time senior lecturers, as of Fall 2019. With The University of Texas at Dallas’ unique history of starting as a graduate institution first, the CS Department is built on a legacy of valuing innovative research and providing advanced training for software engineers and computer scientists.