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  • Henry Vo, CS Department Alumnus, Named Tech Titan of the Future

    Henry Vo, CS Department Alumnus, Named Tech Titan of the Future

    Henry Vo, CS Department Alumnus, Named Tech Titan of the Future Via Tech Titans – Tech Titans names Henry Vo, UT Dallas CS Department alumnus, tech titan of the future. Tech Titans, the largest technology trade organization in Texas, recognized outstanding technology companies and individuals in North Texas at its annual awards gala at the…

  • UT Dallas Researchers Have Six Papers Accepted Into The #1 Cyber Security Conference

    UT Dallas Researchers Have Six Papers Accepted Into The #1 Cyber Security Conference

    UT Dallas Researchers Have Six Papers Accepted Into The #1 Cyber Security Conference This year, researchers at the UT Dallas Cyber Security Research and Education Institute will have a strong presence at the 24th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) with six accepted research papers. One hundred and fifty-one papers were accepted at…

  • UT Dallas CS Ph.D. Graduates Land Jobs at Major Tech Companies, Universities, and Research Facilities

    UT Dallas CS Ph.D. Graduates Land Jobs at Major Tech Companies, Universities, and Research Facilities

    UT Dallas CS Ph.D. Graduates Land Jobs at Major Tech Companies, Universities, and Research Facilities From the Fall of 2016 to Summer of 2017, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department has graduated 23 Ph.D. students, four of whom have been women. These graduates have gone on to find jobs in prestigious universities, top tier research…

  • UT Dallas CS Students Share their Summer Adventures Including Winning Hackthons and Being Invited to Attend Prestigious ACM Conferences

    UT Dallas CS Students Share their Summer Adventures Including Winning Hackthons and Being Invited to Attend Prestigious ACM Conferences

    UT Dallas CS Students Share their Summer Adventures Including Winning Hackthons and Being Invited to Attend Prestigious ACM Conferences This summer, many of our UT Dallas Computer Science students have been off doing exciting activities ranging from internships, working on hobby projects, to even attending international conferences and competing in Hackathons. We recently spoke with…

  • UT Dallas Partners with CauseBot on Worldwide AI Competition

    UT Dallas Partners with CauseBot on Worldwide AI Competition

    UT Dallas Partners with CauseBot on Worldwide AI Competition The University of Texas at Dallas is teaming up with CauseBot, an artificial intelligence software company based in Frisco, Texas, to compete in a worldwide AI challenge sponsored by IBM. The IBM Watson AI XPRIZE is a three-year global competition with $5 million in total prizes.…

  • Thuraisingham receives the IEEE Computer Society Services Computing Technical Committee’s Inaugural 2017 Research Innovation Award

    Thuraisingham receives the IEEE Computer Society Services Computing Technical Committee’s Inaugural 2017 Research Innovation Award

    Thuraisingham receives the IEEE Computer Society Services Computing Technical Committee’s Inaugural 2017 Research Innovation Award Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham was recently the recipient of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society Services Computing Technical Committee’s inaugural 2017 Research Innovation Award for her exceptional research and for her innovations in integrating cyber security, data…

  • UT Dallas CS Faculty Members Earn Awards for Their Research

    UT Dallas CS Faculty Members Earn Awards for Their Research

    UT Dallas CS Faculty Members Earn Awards for Their Research A paper co-written by computer science associate professor Dr. Tien N. Nguyen earned an ACM Distinguished Paper Award at the 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. The honor is Nguyen’s fourth ACM Distinguished Paper Award in the past eight years…

  • UT Dallas CS and AI Society Hold an AI Conference for Industry and Academia Members

    UT Dallas CS and AI Society Hold an AI Conference for Industry and Academia Members

    UT Dallas CS and AI Society Hold an AI Conference for Industry and Academia Members Last May, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department hosted its first Industry-University Artificial Intelligence Conference on the UT Dallas campus. The conference provided the 115 attendees from both industry and academia a forum to discuss, present, and learn about state-of-the-art…

  • UT Dallas CS Department Ranked Among the Top 50 in Publications-Based Ranking

    UT Dallas CS Department Ranked Among the Top 50 in Publications-Based Ranking

    UT Dallas CS Department Ranked Among the Top 50 in Publications-Based Ranking Over the past decades, groundbreaking research within the UT Dallas Computer Science Department has consistently been in the national and international spotlight. In the past few years, many UT Dallas Computer Science faculty members have been recognized for their excellence in research. They have earned numerous…

  • NSF Net-Centric I/UCRC Meets to Discuss New Research in Cloud Software & IoT Systems

    NSF Net-Centric I/UCRC Meets to Discuss New Research in Cloud Software & IoT Systems

    NSF Net-Centric I/UCRC Meets to Discuss New Research in Cloud Software & IoT Systems Last April, sixty university faculty, industry members, and students met at the University for the Industry Advisory Board meeting of the National Science Foundation’s (NSF) Net-Centric & Cloud Software & Systems (NCSS) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC). The mission of the…

  • University Recognizes Outstanding Educators with Teaching Awards

    University Recognizes Outstanding Educators with Teaching Awards

    University Recognizes Outstanding Educators with Teaching Awards Via UT Dallas News Center – Five UT Dallas educators were honored with President’s Teaching Excellence Awards for their outstanding efforts in the classroom. The award recipients received medallions at the University’s annual Honors Convocation on May 10. They also were recognized at an April reception hosted by the…

  • CS Undergraduate Students Explore Joining Faculty Research with Networking Luncheon

    CS Undergraduate Students Explore Joining Faculty Research with Networking Luncheon

    CS Undergraduate Students Explore Joining Faculty Research with Networking Luncheon This past April, twenty UT Dallas Computer Science Undergraduate students were invited to take part in the UG Research Networking and Faculty Matching Luncheon. The luncheon brought together both UT Dallas’s distinguished computer science and software engineering faculty members and a select group of highly ambitious CS/SE undergraduate students. Students who attended…