Computer Science > Articles by: rxs230174

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HackUTD: A Hub for Creativity and Collaboration

At The University of Texas at Dallas, computer science and software engineering students thrive in a vibrant, collaborative environment. HackUTD, the university’s premier hackathon, has grown from 120 participants in 2015 to over 1,200 today. It is now the largest hackathon in Texas and the second largest in the United States. HackUTD is more than a hackathon—it’s a playground for innovation where ideas turn into impactful creations.

Computer Science Graduate is Featured Speaker at Fall 2024 Commencement

During the recent fall 2024 commencement ceremonies, computer science got a special moment in the spotlight, thanks to featured speaker Eddie Villarreal MS’24.

Villarreal spoke at both commencement ceremonies on Dec. 17, having graduated from the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science with a master’s degree in software engineering.

Computer Science Graduates Offer Lessons Learned During Fall 2024 Commencement

Several computer science graduates worked as student web developers in the Jonsson School’s Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications during the 2024 academic year. We caught up with three of them to find out what they would take away from their time at UT Dallas.

Jason Thanh Nguyen BS’24 intends to apply the skills he acquired through study as well as his work in the Jonsson School to further his career. “This experience taught me how to adapt my communication style to suit different roles and perspectives, ensuring that everyone was aligned toward a common goal,” Nguyen said. “This will be a valuable skillset that will be very helpful for me in my career after graduation.”