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Category: Information

How the Region’s Top Innovators Are Using AI and ML to Solve Business Challenges

The new age of AI and machine learning is reminiscent of the level of buzz and activity the region saw in the late 1990s and early 2000s for telecom, networking, and the World Wide Web. So says Dr. Gopal Gupta, professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, Erik […]

AI revolution is set to change how work gets done in 2024 — and who is doing it

AI, or artificial intelligence, grabbed the attention of every industry in 2023, creating hope for easier, more streamlined work processes and stoking fear that the technology could advance enough to replace employees. “Accuracy cannot be guaranteed,” said Dr. Gopal Gupta, professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, Erik […]

DNA testing site 23andMe hacked, putting customers’ data at risk

“Your DNA is not changeable like your password,” said Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu, the Ashbel Smith professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, the director of UTD Data Security and Privacy Lab and an expert in health data privacy. He said hackers accessing 23andMe biological information could target users […]

Drs. Kantarcioglu and Thuraisingham Talk with NBCDFW about Dallas Releasing Technology Accountability Report Following Ransomware Attack

Via NBC DFW – The City of Dallas on Friday released a report that was expected to offer insight into the ransomware attack that crippled city services in early May.

The attack affected city websites and systems from police and fire to city courts and the library.

Friday brought the scheduled release of the city’s monthly Technology Accountability Report, or TAR, for May. The report was expected to cover the time period of the attack and potentially shed more light on the extent of it. Click here to read the report in full or scroll down to see it.

Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu talks benefits of privacy and technology with Plano police buying 50 license plate readers

Via Dallas Morning News – Plano police will utilize new controversial license plate camera readers that its law enforcement officials say assist in recovering stolen vehicles and locating abducted children.

The Plano City Council approved at a May 22 meeting the Plano Police Department’s purchase of 40 L5Q and 10 L6Q Motorola deployable license plate reader cameras with a five-year service subscription. The purchase will cost $100,000 annually and total $500,000 through an existing contract.

University Joins National Transportation Center in Cybersecurity

The University of Texas at Dallas recently joined a multi-university transportation center focusing on cybersecurity that is sponsored by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT). Clemson University, the lead university of this center, invited UT Dallas to join its proposal team due to the exceptional expertise UT Dallas has developed in cybersecurity and privacy over the past 20 years. The center will receive $20 million from the USDOT for 5 years to provide novel solutions to problems faced by the transportation industry.

Handbook of Software Fault Localization by Professor W. Eric Wong

The Handbook of Software Fault Localization: Foundations and Advances edited by Dr. W. Eric Wong, Professor and Director of the Software Engineering Program of the Computer Science Department at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Dr. T.H. Tse, an Honorary Professor in Computer Science with The University of Hong Kong, has been jointly published by Wiley and the IEEE Computer Society Press. In addition to a paper copy, an online version is also available via the IEEE Xplore digital library.

The Last Word: Dr. Kangkook Jee on How UTD Students Are Making Their Mark in National Competitions

A team of UT Dallas students placed fourth in the U.S. in the 2022 National Security Agency (NSA) Codebreaker Challenge, which tasked college students with solving a fictional ransomware attack.

Understanding ChatGPT, the AI chatbot that’s gone viral

Computer screen reads, CahtGPT: Optimizing Language Models for Dialogue

Via Dallas Morning News —

UTD scientists weigh in: What can ChatGPT be used for? And where does it make mistakes?
In November, the research company OpenAI released a bot called ChatGPT. The bot has since gone viral, and has been used to write code, poetry and even an architectural review of the Perot Museum of Nature and Science.

New Scholarship Initiative To Help Ease STEM Path for Students

New Scholarship Initiative To Help Ease STEM Path for Students A new University of Texas at Dallas initiative will provide financial and academic support to transfer students from low-income backgrounds who want to become engineers and computer scientists. UT Dallas received $1.5 million from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and […]