Computer Science > Interview

Category: Interview

DNA testing site 23andMe hacked, putting customers’ data at risk

“Your DNA is not changeable like your password,” said Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu, the Ashbel Smith professor of computer science in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, the director of UTD Data Security and Privacy Lab and an expert in health data privacy. He said hackers accessing 23andMe biological information could target users […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Chao Li PhD’2020

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Chao Li Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?  Hello, I’m Chao Li , I completed my PhD in the Computer Science Department at The University of Texas at Dallas, specializing in Computer Graphics and Vision under the guidance of Professor Xiaohu Guo. Prior to earning my PhD, […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Kinjal Basu PhD’2022

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Kinjal Basu PhD’2022 After years of diligent hard work many PhD graduates go on to accept jobs at top companies, research facilities, government positions, and tenure-track positions at various Universities and other forms of academia. With the following interview series, we hope to engage students who want to learn […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Mehmet Kuzu PhD’2013

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Mehmet Kuzu PhD’2013 A PhD or related research degree helps you start or continue your research in a field you’re truly passionate about. You can decide what you work on, how you work on it and how you get there, with support and guidance from a supervisory team. […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dongcheng Li PhD’23

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dongcheng Li PhD’23 After years of diligent hard work, many PhD graduates go on to accept jobs at top companies, research facilities, government positions, and tenure-track positions at various Universities and other forms of academia. According to the most recent Census Bureau figures done in 2018, fewer than a 35 […]

Elevating Education: A Conversation with Bhavani Thuraisingham, Taylor L. Booth Education Award Winner

Elevating Education: A Conversation with Bhavani Thuraisingham, Taylor L. Booth Education Award Winner Via IEEE Computer Society – Bhavani Thuraisingham’s impact transcends excellence within education, as she has made countless efforts within bridging the gaps between industry and academics. Additionally, she is the Founders Chair Professor of Computer Science, the Founding Executive Director of the Cyber […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Harish Arunachalam PhD’18

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Harish Arunachalam PhD’18 Being a PhD student is a significant undertaking that takes time and requires dedication, effort, and patience. During your PhD you are both a researcher and a student. Knowing what to expect can help you learn to adapt to various changes and challenges that may occur […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Maryam Imani PhD’20

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Maryam Imani PhD’20 Computer science and software engineering PhD holders today enjoy a great variety of employment prospects. Opportunities are ample, ranging from working in research and product development divisions of companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, to becoming faculty members in academia to working for […]

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Sagnik Dakshit PhD’23

Interview with CS PhD Alumni Series: Dr. Sagnik Dakshit PhD’23 Computer science experts are in high demand as technologies advance at breakneck speed. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects the employment of computer and information technology occupations to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations. Experts […]

Dr. Gopal Gupta Talks With Dallas Morning News About Aurora’s Self-Driving Trucks

Dr. Gopal Gupta Talks With Dallas Morning News About Aurora’s Self-Driving Trucks Via Dallas Morning News — Darcy Desjarlais, senior truck operations specialist at Aurora, hovers both hands under the steering wheel of Aurora’s self-driving truck as it cruises at 65 miles per hour down Interstate 45, heading in its typical route towards Houston. Above his […]