Computer Science > Lecture/Talk

Category: Lecture/Talk

CS Distinguished Lecture Series Continues with Internationally Respected Telecom Inventor, Dr. Sam Pitroda

CS Distinguished Lecture Series Continues with Internationally Respected Telecom Inventor, Dr. Sam Pitroda The UT Dallas Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series continued on March 4th with Dr. Sam Pitroda, internationally respected telecom engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, development thinker, and policy maker. Dr. Pitroda is a serial entrepreneur having started several companies in the United States. He […]

2016 Grace Series Begins With Dr. Jo Zhang of Fujitsu Labs of America

2016 Grace Series Begins With Dr. Jo Zhang of Fujitsu Labs of America The UT Dallas Computer Science Department’s Grace Series Lectures ushered in the 2016 New Year this February with featured speaker, Dr. Qiong (Jo) Zhang, a PhD UT Dallas Computer Science Alumna and research scientist at Fujitsu Laboratories of America. The Grace Series […]

Prominent European Researcher, Dr. Luc de Raedt Delivers Opening CS Distinguished Lecture Series Talk for 2016

Prominent European Researcher, Dr. Luc de Raedt Delivers Opening CS Distinguished Lecture Series Talk for 2016 The Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series started the 2016 year with Dr. Luc de Raedt, professor of research at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven) in Leuven, Belgium, prominent researcher from Europe, and an expert in intelligent systems, machine […]

UT-DIISC Holds Their Inaugural Conference, the International Workshop on Interactive & Spatial Computing (IWISC 2015)

UT-DIISC Holds Their Inaugural Conference, the International Workshop on Interactive & Spatial Computing (IWISC 2015) The newly established University of Texas at Dallas Institute on Interactive and Spatial Computing (UT-DIISC) held its first International Workshop on Interactive and Spatial Computing (IWISC 2015). The workshop was held in Dallas, TX, over the first weekend in December. […]

Washington Post’s CIO/CTO, Shailesh Prakash launches the UT Dallas CS Fall 2015 Distinguished Lecture Series

Washington Post’s CIO/CTO, Shailesh Prakash launches the UT Dallas CS Fall 2015 Distinguished Lecture Series On November 6th, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department’s Distinguished Lecture series featured Mr. Shailesh Prakash, Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief of Technology (CTO) at The Washington Post as the first speaker. Mr. Prakash holds a BS in Computer […]

Dr. Fred Schneider – The Fall 2015 Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series

Dr. Fred Schneider – The Fall 2015 Computer Science Distinguished Lecture Series The UT Dallas Computer Science Department’s Distinguished Lecture series featured Dr. Fred B. Schneider on November 13th. Dr. Schneider is the chairman and Samuel B. Eckert Professor of Computer Science at Cornell University, where he has been on the faculty since 1978. Dr. […]

Dr. Ranran Feng tells her story at the Fall 2015 Grace Series Lectures

Dr. Ranran Feng tells her story at the Fall 2015 Grace Series Lectures The UT Dallas Computer Science Department’s Grace Series Lectures continued with Dr. Ranran Feng as the featured speaker at the beginning of November. The objective of the Grace Series is to present a program of lectures about the role of women in […]

Dr. Lily Wu Inspires Students at the Second Grace Series Lecture

Dr. Lily Wu Inspires Students at the Second Grace Series Lecture On May 4th 2015, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department’s Grace Series Lectures continued with Dr. Lily Wu as the featured speaker. The objective of the Grace Series is to present a program of lectures about the role of women in today’s technology fields […]

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham Delivers the Inaugural Grace Series Lecture

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham Delivers the Inaugural Grace Series Lecture This past Wednesday, April 1st 2015,  the Department of Computer Science at University of Texas at Dallas presented the first Grace Series lecture with Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham as the inaugural speaker. The objective of the Grace Series is to present a program of lectures about the […]