One-Day Workshops for Business Professionals
Dr. Jey Veerasamy is a Senior Lecturer in the Computer Science (CS) Department at UTDallas. Most schools and many parents in the Dallas area are familiar with the computer software classes, workshops, and classes he organizes for students of all ages. These classes are taught by graduate students from the CS Department. For more information about these classes, go to: Computer_Science_Classes_K12
Dr. Veerasamy also organizes one-day workshops for business professionals in the Dallas area. Faculty from the CS Department teach the workshops. Advance registration required @ Workshops currently available are:
- IPv6 tutorial by Dr. Ravi Prakash on Friday, July 11: 9am – 4pm
- Hands-on tour of Programming Languages by Dr. Chris Davis, Friday, July 18 : 9am – 4pm
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design by Dr. Bill Semper, Friday, August 1 : 9am – 4pm