Department Software
Alchemy 2.0
A software package for inference and learning in Markov logic networks (MLNs). Alchemy 2.0 is that it includes several lifted probabilistic inference algorithms.
Developed by Prof. Gogate’s group.
Numerous downloads of the predecessor: Alchemy 1.0.
Anonymization Toolbox
Developed by Prof. Murat Kantarcioglu’s group it provides implementations of multiple data anonymization tools.
A tool developed by Prof. Andrian Marcus’ group that combines source code analysis, software summarization techniques and information mined from software repositories in order to automatically generate release notes of software systems.
This project aims to secure outsourcing of Key-Value stores, simply by utilizing public clouds through a proxy application.
Developed by Kantarcioglu’s group.
CGDemo software is a companion of the textbook for L. Ammeraal and Prof. K. Zhang, Computer Graphics for Java Programmers, 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2007. It provides detailed demonstration of important computer graphics algorithms through animated and step-wise execution.
A coreference resolution tool that implements the recently-developed cluster-ranking model as well as some popular learning-based coreference models developed by Professor Vincent Ng’s group.
It has been downloaded more than 4500 times since its release in 2009.
Coinductive Logic Programming Metainterpreter System
Developed by Prof. Gupta’s group.
A metainterpreter that extends Prolog with coinduction.
A semi-supervised framework for classifying evolving data streams based on our previous approach SAND with better runtime performance.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
Efficient Sampling-Based Kernel Mean Matching
Performing Kernel Mean Matching over subsampled source and target datasets to achieve scalability.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
eXtended Word Net
A major resource developed at UTD.
Developed by Prof. Dan Moldovan’s group, its goal is to automatically (1) syntactically parse the glosses, (2) transform glosses into logical forms and (3) tag semantically the nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs of the glosses.
Downloaded 9000+ times since its release.
Focus Location Extraction
Focus locality extraction from news stories
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group (in collaboration with political scientist Prof. Patrick Brandt’s group).
An Efficient Multistream Classification using Direct DensIty Ratio Estimation.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
Developed by Prof. Gopal Gupta’s group.
A goal-directed implementation of an answer set programming system for non-monotonic reasoning.
Tool to automatically infer precise program invariants by applying symbolic execution and dynamic invariant discovery in tandem.
Developed by Lingming Zhang’s group.
IJGP-sampling and SampleSearch for the PR and MAR tasks
A formula-based version of this solver won the PR track in the 20 min. and 1 hr. categories at the UAI 2010 approximate inference challenge.
Developed by Prof. Vibhav Gogate.
A Distributed, Scalable and Efficient RDF Triple Store.
Developed by Prof. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Murat Kantarcioglu’s group.
JiST Simulator
A high-performance discrete event simulation engine developed by Professor Zygmunt Haas’ group that runs over a standard Java virtual machine. It is a prototype of a new general-purpose approach to building discrete event simulators, called virtual machine-based simulation, that unifies the traditional systems and language-based simulator designs.
Keyphrase Extraction Package
This software package includes implementations of some of the most well-known unsupervised approaches to extracting important words/phrases from a text document. Developed by Prof. Vincent Ng’s group;
Laempel System
Developed by Prof. Klaus Truemper for spelling and syntax checking.
Leibniz Software System
Companion Software for the the book “Design of Logic-based Intelligent Systems” authored by Prof. Klaus Truemper.
Library For Manupulating Large RDF Graphs
This project provides an extension to Jena that allows the creation, manipulation, and, querying of large RDF graphs.
Developed by Thuraisingham, Khan, and Kantarcioglu’s group.
Linguistically Aware Coreference Evaluation Tool
This software package contains implementations of our proposed linguistically-informed versions of commonly-used coreference evaluation metrics.
An unsupervised, language-independent word analysis system that segments a word into morphems. Developed by Prof. Vincent Ng’s group.
Multistream Classification
Classification (class label prediction) over two non-stationary data streams, one with labeled data (source) and the other with unlabeled data (target). Covariate shift is assumed between the source and target streams.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
An OS fingerprinting technique based on the memory snapshot of OS kernels.
Developed by Prof. Zhiqiang Lin.
Paillier Threshold Encryption Toolbox
Developed by Prof. Murat Kantarcioglu’s group.
The Threshold Paillier Encryption software can be used to implement different cryptographic and secure multiparty computation protocols.
Excel plugin for adding finite domain constraints to spreadsheets.
Available upon request:
Population Dynamics Matlab Toolbox
Developed by Prof. Alvaro Cardenas’ group.
This toolbox is a Matlab implementation of evolutionary dynamics from game theory, such as replicator dynamics, smith dynamics, logit dynamics, and Brown-von Neumann-Nash.
Recommendation of political actors in real time using news articles.
In this project, we extend the knowledgebase of actors required by automated event coders. We first recommend political actors found the news articles to the human annotators. They provide feedback and based on that we include the recommended actors to an online dictionary. This dictionary is later used by the automated event coders to generate political events.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group (in collaboration with political scientist Prof. Patrick Brandt’s group).
A semi-supervised framework for classifying evolving data streams. Project GitHub
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
Securing Data Analytics on SGX with Randomization
Secure analytics performed over a third-party resource by addressing side-channel information leak when using Intel SGX.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group.
SPEC: Spark Based Political Event Coding
A framework created to run automated event coder in distributed manner to encode large number of unprocessed news articles and generate political events.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group (in collaboration with political scientist Prof. Patrick Brandt’s group).
A tool for Chinese coreference resolution developed by Prof. Vincent Ng’s group that won the first place in the Chinese coreference subtask of the CoNLL-2012 shared task.
The first publicly-available tool for identifying and coreferencing events mentioned in Chinese text documents. Developed by Prof. Vincent Ng’s group.
A framework that uses existing cloud computing and semantic web technologies to provide application programmers with automated support for these tasks.
Developed by Prof. Bhavani Thuraisingham and Murat Kantarcioglu’s group.
Summary-Based Context-Sensitive Data-Dependence Analysis Tool
Tool to summarize library code analysis with tree-adjoining-language (TAL) reachability. The library summary can then be used to speed up various client code analyses, e.g., data-dependence analysis.
Developed by Lingming Zhang’s group.
Developed by Prof. Gopal Gupta’s group.
A constraint programming tool for scheduling TAs to courses subject to various constraints. Used in the CS and EE Departments at UT Dallas for the last 12 years.
Available upon request:
Tools for Analyzing, Visualizing and Creating Human Motions
Developed by Prof. B. Prabhakaran’s group, these tools allow users to analyze, visualize and create human motions and animations.
A network diagnostic/debugging tool, similar to traceroute, developed by Professor Kamil Sarac’s group. When run toward a remote IP address, it collect layer 3 topology information of each visited subnetwork (i.e., IP addresses of all the systems connected to each visited subnetwork) on the path to the remote system.
Unimodularity Library
Developed by Prof Klaus Truemper, Professor Emeritus.
Web Scraper
The news article collector running on a single node, collecting ~ 10K-13K news articles daily from ~400 news sources. This is the input to the SPEC and RePAIR projects described above.
Developed by Prof. Latifur Khan’s group (in collaboration with political scientist Prof. Patrick Brandt’s group).