Computer Science > Event > Code JAM at UT Dallas

Code JAM at UT Dallas

Code Jam Dallas Texas

On Saturday (9/20/2014) from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, the Computer Science Department at UT Dallas held a Code JAM for all ages.  Young coders came with their parents and high school coders came with their friends.  The Code JAM was organized by Dr. Jey Veerasamy, Senior Lecturer and Director of the Center for Computer Science Education & Outreach.  For just $5.00, participants could work with a CS graduate student and get hands-on experience with a selected computer software application.  Upon entering the lab, families were greeted by a CS grad student who directed them to another grad student and computer station to suit their interests.  In many cases, young children and their parents were able to work 1-on-1 with a graduate student. 

The  Department of Computer Science at UT Dallas  is one of the largest CS departments in the United States with more than 750 undergraduate, 500 master, and 125 PhD students.  They are committed to exceptional teaching and research in a culture that is as daring as it is supportive.