Grace Series Talks Featuring CEOs, Serial Entrepreneurs, and Professors Continue to Inspire and Empower Students Women have influenced eras and changed the world. Throughout history, women have made extensive contributions to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). The need for women in STEM is ever-growing, and it continues to comprise one of the world’s strongest […]
Category: Lecture/Talk
Grace Series Talks Featuring CEOs, Serial Entrepreneurs, and Professors Continue to Inspire and Empower Students

Grace Series Talks Continue to Inspire through Empowering Talks by Leading Women in Tech
Grace Series Talks Continue to Inspire through Empowering Talks by Leading Women in Tech Whether in an office, lab, or a classroom, the accomplishments of women over the past 100 years — from scientific breakthroughs to personal triumphs — have led the way for others to follow and create their own journeys. This semester, […]
Spring’19 CS/SE Graduates Celebrate their Success with Friends and Family at the CS Graduation Luncheon

Spring’19 CS/SE Graduates Celebrate their Success with Friends and Family at the CS Graduation Luncheon The CS Graduation Luncheon is a biannual tradition that honors the University’s newest CS/SE alumni and provides the new graduates with the opportunity to reflect on their time at UT Dallas and celebrate their success. The CS Department graduated nearly […]
Brian Hoang, Software Engineering 2019 Graduate, Delivers Speech At The Jonsson School’s Spring Commencement Ceremony

Brian Hoang, Software Engineering 2019 Graduate, Delivers Speech At The Jonsson School’s Spring Commencement Ceremony Brian Hoang is graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in software engineering. He received the Academic Excellence Scholarship with Honors, served as an officer in the Association for Computing Machinery and founded the Artificial Intelligence Society and Virtual […]
UT Dallas CS Department Hosts AI Conference Focusing on Applications and Technical Foundations

UT Dallas CS Department Hosts AI Conference Focusing on Applications and Technical Foundations With Artificial Intelligence (AI) saturating many aspects of our lives (e.g., smart speakers, voice recognition) and the prediction that in the future AI will a playing a more significant role in our everyday lives, it’s no wonder why AI is so popular. […]
UT Dallas CS Organizes a 5-Day Workshop on Deep Learning

UT Dallas CS Organizes a 5-Day Workshop on Deep Learning Last January, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department hosted a deep-dive into deep learning with a Professional Development Workshop with Tarry Singh, the CEO, Founder, and AI Researcher at Approximately, ninety people attended the 5-day workshop to learn about GANs, RNN, CNN & Deep Reinforcement Learning. The workshop drew in not […]
UT Dallas Hosts Third ARO Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning

UT Dallas Hosts Third ARO Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning Last fall, Dr. Murat Kantarcioglu, UT Dallas CS Professor and Director of the UT Dallas Data Security and Privacy Lab, hosted the Third Army Research Office (ARO) Workshop on Adversarial Machine Learning (AML) at UT Dallas. The two-day workshop focused on the newly emergent and […]
Chander Dhall, UTD CS Alumnus & CEO of Cazton, Inspires Graduates at the CS Fall’18 Graduation Luncheon

Chander Dhall, UTD CS Alumnus & CEO of Cazton, Inspires Graduates at the CS Fall’18 Graduation Luncheon Nearly 2,800 students earned their UT Dallas degrees last fall. The largest-ever December cohort of graduates included 1,524 bachelor’s students and 1,189 master’s students. Seventy-one doctoral candidates were also certified. About 2,750 students participated in the commencement ceremonies, […]
The 2018 Grace Series Closes With Dr. Karen Mazidi

The 2018 Grace Series Closes With Dr. Karen Mazidi The 2018 Grace Series ended this year with its eighteenth speaker, UT Dallas Computer Science Professor, Dr. Karen Mazidi. Dr. Mazidi’s Grace Series talk titled “Discovering Your Strengths,” attracted a full room of faculty and students who were eager listen to Dr. Mazidi’s journey and learn how to discover one’s strengths […]
UT Dallas CS Department Hosts The 2018 Data Science Conference

UT Dallas CS Department Hosts The 2018 Data Science Conference Data enthusiasts, academics, and professionals alike joined together earlier this month at the 2018 UT Dallas Computer Science Department Data Science Conference to learn about new insights in the fields of data science and data analytics. The goal of the conference was to provide a […]