Computer Science > Lecture/Talk

Category: Lecture/Talk

Spring’18 Grace Series Talks Continue to Feature Prominent Women from the Tech Industry

Spring’18 Grace Series Talks Continue to Feature Prominent Women from the Tech Industry This semester, the Spring 2018 Grace Series Talks featured two inspiring members of the tech community, Catherine Walsh, Senior Vice President and General Manager of Loss Prevention for Johnson Controls’ Tyco Retail Solutions, and Dr. Nimmi Kannankutty, Deputy Division Director in the Division of Graduate Education (DGE) at the National […]

UT Dallas CS Department Participates in the Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference Held at Stanford University

UT Dallas CS Department Participates in the Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference Held at Stanford University This March, the Global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference was held at Stanford University in California as well as at over 100 regional locations nationwide and was available via livestream. The regional sessions were hosted by […]

UT Dallas Cyber Security Institute Hosts the 7th Annual Texas Security Awareness

UT Dallas Cyber Security Institute Hosts the 7th Annual Texas Security Awareness The UT Dallas Cyber Security Research and Education Institute (CSI) in conjunction with the UT Dallas Computer Science Department hosted their 7th Annual Texas Security Awareness Week (TexSAW) last semester. For two days, TexSAW brings together both Computer Science and Software Engineering students […]

Fall’17 Grace Series Presents Three Inspirational Speakers from State Farm, USAA, and UT Dallas

Fall’17 Grace Series Presents Three Inspirational Speakers from State Farm, USAA, and UT Dallas This semester, the fall 2017 Grace Series Talks featured three inspiring members of the tech community, Dr. Farokh Bastani, UT Dallas CS Professor, Excellence in Education Chair, and Director of the UT Dallas site of the NSF Net-centric and Cloud Software […]

UT Dallas CS Hosts IoT Conference for Academics, Industry Members, and Students

UT Dallas CS Hosts IoT Conference for Academics, Industry Members, and Students Earlier this semester, the UT Dallas CS Department hosted a one-day Internet of Things (IoT) Conference for students, academics, and industry members. The IoT Conference’s mission was to provide undergraduate students, graduate or PhD students, academics, and engineers from industry with hands-on knowledge […]

UT Dallas CS and AI Society Hold an AI Conference for Industry and Academia Members

UT Dallas CS and AI Society Hold an AI Conference for Industry and Academia Members Last May, the UT Dallas Computer Science Department hosted its first Industry-University Artificial Intelligence Conference on the UT Dallas campus. The conference provided the 115 attendees from both industry and academia a forum to discuss, present, and learn about state-of-the-art […]


ABOUT THE UT DALLAS COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT The Spring 2017 Grace Series drew to a close with its third speaker, Jill Blanchar, a Bank of America Information Security Executive as well as a committee member on the Global Steering Committee for Women in Technology and & Operations. This past April, Jill Blanchar finished the Spring 2017 run of the […]

Google Visits With UT Dallas CS & SE Students for a Week of Google Tech Talks, Workshops, and Other Google Events

Google Visits With UT Dallas CS & SE Students for a Week of Google Tech Talks, Workshops, and Other Google Events Earlier this semester, Google paid a visit with their team of UT Dallas CS Google Alumni to the UT Dallas Computer Science department for a week of activities, tech talks, workshops, and Q&A’s as part of their Google University Outreach […]

UT Dallas CS Celebrates Pi Day With The Mathematical Sciences Department

UT Dallas CS Celebrates Pi Day With The Mathematical Sciences Department Earlier this month on March 19th, the UT Dallas CS Department and the Mathematical Sciences Department celebrated national Pi day with a series of lectures, pizzas, pies, mathematical interaction games, mathematical models, and other fun activities. Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) […]

The Spring’17 Grace Series Continues to Empower With Dr. Peggy Shadduck, DCCCD STEM Institute Director

The Spring’17 Grace Series Continues to Empower With Dr. Peggy Shadduck, DCCCD STEM Institute Director The Spring 2017 run of the Grace Series carried on with its second speaker, Dr. Peggy Shadduck, Director of both the Dallas County Community College District (DCCCD) STEM Institute and the Dallas/North Texas STEM Degree Accelerator Program. Last February, Dr. Peggy Shadduck’s Grace Series […]