Open Stack Load Balancer

Load Balancing distributes work loads on a set of computing resources. It aims to optimize resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload of any single resource Here, to demonstrate how Load Balancer works, we focus on network load balancing. It distributes client’s HTTP request across a set of servers in the load balancer pool. The response from one of the servers includes the server’s hostname. OpenStack provides Load Balance as a Service (LBaas), which is an advanced service of neutron. Lbaas allows for proprietary and open-source load balancing technologies to drive the actual load balancing of requests. Here, Haproxy is used in OpenStack to implementing load balancing.
In OpenStack, the components included in Load Balancer are as follows:Load Balancer poolMembers of the poolThe Virtual IP (VIP) of the poolThe Floating IP associated with VIPMonitor


Neeraj K Gupta; Office: ECSS 3.207; Email: contact


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